Monday, February 9, 2009



Bodhanaa has been practicing and teaching yoga for almost 20 years. She became certified as a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist in 2007 from Center for Wholeness in Clintonville. Her background of both dance and working with the human body as a massage therapist greatly enhanced her ability to teach others in yoga asanas. The whole focus of her teaching changed dramatically after attending the first Nithya Yoga Teacher Training in Bangalore, India in 2007. She became one of 3 Nithya Yoga Acharyas (teachers) teaching the Nithya Yoga system in the USA. The other teachers represented 17 countries around the world. Bodhanaa attended a second teacher training in India in 2008 to deepen her understanding of yoga under the guidance of her teacher, Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya means eternal. Yoga means uniting. The focus of her teaching is now on caring for and guiding the student's body, mind and spirit so they can maintain a constant state of yoga: increased energy, awareness, clarity in decision making, radiant health and feeling good about the body. This ability to maintain the energized state is nithya; eternal. Uniting with one's true self is yoga: Nithya Yoga. Bodhanaa now resides in Delaware, Ohio with her husband and two daughters. She teaches yoga and meditation and has a massage therapy practice.

For more information call 937-768-1493 or email

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Gift Securities

Donating appreciated securities to the organization is simple:
  • Please contact us at (740) 362-2046 for collecting the stock transfer information needed to process the transfer.
  • If your securities are held "in street name" with your broker, you only need to send your broker a letter of authorization to transfer (not sell) shares of specific stock(s) to the non-profit's main brokerage account. Your instructions should specify your account number; the date by which you wish to complete the gift, the name and number of shares you would like to donate; and provide the stock transfer information.
  • If you are transferring stock from a joint account, both account owners must sign the letter. You can contribute stock from several companies held within the same account.
  • Please send a copy of this letter to Chief accountant, Vedic Temple, 820 Pollock Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, or email:
  • Please, check with your broker soon after sending the letter to ensure that the transfer is complete, especially if you initiate this gift shortly before December 31.

Year-end Considerations

Because of their complexity, securities gifts are best made by December 15.

Tax Advantages

Donating appreciated securities gives you distinct tax advantages. If you own publicly traded stocks or bonds that have appreciated in value and are long-term in nature (owned for more than 12 months), you may want to consider the income tax benefits of giving securities over cash:

Here's how it works:
Gift of Stock
Gift of Cash
$3,000 (current value) $3,000
1,000 (basis-your cost)  
3,000 (tax deduction) 3,000
1,080 (tax savings @ 36%) 1,080
400 (capital gains tax savings*)  
1,480 (total tax savings) 1,080
1,520 (your gift cost) 1,920

*$2,000 gain @ 20% capital gains tax. When you donate appreciated securities, you owe no capital gains tax on the appreciation.

What about stocks that have dropped in value?

If you own stock which has dropped in value, below your cost, consider selling this asset instead, and donating the proceeds. By selling the asset and then making a gift, you will be able to claim a capital loss deduction on your income tax return, and also claim an income tax deduction for your charitable gift.

Disclaimer: By contributing to the Vedic Temple of Ohio, you acknowledge that the Vedic Temple of Ohio has full control of the donated funds and full discretion to insure that they are used in furtherance of the Vedic Temple's charitable purposes.


Ways to Give

Gifts can be made in a variety of forms including outright gifts of cash, securities, and real estate or through planned giving options such as bequests and life income plans. Our organization is designated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization by IRS - all gifts are tax-deductible.
  • Make a gift now
  • Make a gift of securities
  • Consider a Planned Gift
  • Consider a major gift
  • In-kind gifts (donations of tangible personal property or equipment)
Regardless of where you direct your support, your gifts of every size make a significant difference. Together, with your continued support, we will create vibrant and peaceful communities, both here and around the globe. It's easy to make a gift…

Make a Gift now:


Give Online

It's easy and secure. Use your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit card. Click here to make a contribution.

Give by Phone

Call us at (740) 362-2046.

Give by Mail

Make checks payable to "Vedic Temple of Ohio"

Mail to:
Nithyananda Vedic Temple
820 Pollock Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
Ph: (740) 362-2046

Make a Gift of Securities

Donating appreciated securities is simple. Contact (740) 362-2046 for more information.

Make a Planned Gift


Why A Planned Gift?

Of the many ways of giving to the organization, a planned gift may offer special advantages such as tax benefits or a current income stream. At the same time, your philanthropy is helping to create better futures for our community, our region, and the world beyond.

Together, we are partners in expanding education, sustaining our vedic culture and traditions, energizing the economy, and celebrating our diverse cultural richness and active civic life. The future holds the promise of advances we can only imagine today. We can help you by incorporating your philanthropic goals into your estate and financial planning. At no cost or obligation we can provide you, or your advisor, with information about the organization and a variety of gift-planning options including:

  • Cash and securities donations
  • Gifts that provide a life-time income for you or a beneficiary
  • Gifts of real estate, tangible personal property, or other assets
  • Bequests in a will or trust
  • Gifts of retirement plan assets and life insurance
To explore a Planned Giving option, please email or call us at (740) 362-2046.

In-Kind Gifts

You can also donate gifts of tangible personal property or equipment. Please call and check to make sure the needs of the organization match with what you are intending to gift.

Matching Gifts

Does your company participate in an employee matching gifts program? Some employers even match gifts by retirees. Please contact your HR department to find out about your company's matching gift program.

Disclaimer: By contributing to the Vedic Temple of Ohio, you acknowledge that the Vedic Temple of Ohio has full control of the donated funds and full discretion to insure that they are used in furtherance of the Vedic Temple's charitable purposes.

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Contact Us

The Nithyananda Vedic Temple of Ohio is located in Delaware, Ohio (roughly 30 miles north of Columbus, OH). This temple is a place where existence is celebrated through worship. It serves as the Ohio center and ashram of the mission. The temple an, in which its located was inaugurated in April 2005.

With time-tested Vedic inputs and modern technology, the Ashrams are spiritual laboratories where inner growth is profound and outer growth, incidental. From small beginnings, these ashrams are envisioned to be a place and space to explore and explode, through a host of activities, from meditation to science. They offer a space where material and spiritual worlds merge and create blissful living; where creative intelligence stems from deep Consciousness.

In the pipeline are host of projects to provide services in varied fields to humanity at large. For more details please contact us at the following address or email id.

Our Address:

Nithyananda Vedic Temple
820 Pollock Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
Ph: (740) 362-2046

Need directions? click here, or want to see the map? click here. Please drop us a line or call us if you have any questions.


Shiva Sutras

From the works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Shiva Sutras are techniques given by Shiva Himself to Devi for her enlightenment. In this clip Nithyananda speaks on the need of enlighetened masters to give various techniques to the disciple based on where the disciple is - earth, water, fire, air or ether. For those who are working with the earth element, you have to start with techniques related to earth such as rituals and diety worship. Those who can relate with fire can start with techniques such as homas. In the sublest level, relating with ether is the technique to experience the ultimate. In this Sutra Shiva is trying to work with us through Prana (air energy). Complete discourse titled Integrate and Evolve may be purchased at

Why we miss the Neutral Space The Manual for Enlightenment
The Uncompromising Scripture Neutral Zone De-Mystified

For more videos, please visit LifeBlissFoundation's video site.


Unclutched - The Great Truth

From the works of Living Enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This clip is taken from the discourse titled, "Unclutching -- De-program the inner self" delivered during the third day of the first Nithya Dhyan mass satsang held in Bangalore in December 2007. In this clip Swmaiji gives us the essence of his teachings through the modern day mahavakya (great truth)-- "Be Unclutched". He unravels the truths about makeup of the mind and how we are clutching and creating joy or suffering. He beautifully describes how we create thoughts, how we connect thoughts and experience life. He tells us the first profound truth that there are so many thoughts that are moving in front of us, but our awareness is not always shining on the thoughts flowing in front of us. As such many life changing decisions are made by us without awareness. Every single moment that passes in our life without our being aware causes suffering us either directly or indirectly. Swamiji then goes on to discuss the second profound truth. The complete discourse part of the three day Nithya Dhyaan discourse series may be purchased online at

Vol 1 (56 Minutes) Vol 2 (53 Minutes)

For more videos, please visit LifeBlissFoundation's video site.