Monday, February 9, 2009



Bodhanaa has been practicing and teaching yoga for almost 20 years. She became certified as a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist in 2007 from Center for Wholeness in Clintonville. Her background of both dance and working with the human body as a massage therapist greatly enhanced her ability to teach others in yoga asanas. The whole focus of her teaching changed dramatically after attending the first Nithya Yoga Teacher Training in Bangalore, India in 2007. She became one of 3 Nithya Yoga Acharyas (teachers) teaching the Nithya Yoga system in the USA. The other teachers represented 17 countries around the world. Bodhanaa attended a second teacher training in India in 2008 to deepen her understanding of yoga under the guidance of her teacher, Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya means eternal. Yoga means uniting. The focus of her teaching is now on caring for and guiding the student's body, mind and spirit so they can maintain a constant state of yoga: increased energy, awareness, clarity in decision making, radiant health and feeling good about the body. This ability to maintain the energized state is nithya; eternal. Uniting with one's true self is yoga: Nithya Yoga. Bodhanaa now resides in Delaware, Ohio with her husband and two daughters. She teaches yoga and meditation and has a massage therapy practice.

For more information call 937-768-1493 or email

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Gift Securities

Donating appreciated securities to the organization is simple:
  • Please contact us at (740) 362-2046 for collecting the stock transfer information needed to process the transfer.
  • If your securities are held "in street name" with your broker, you only need to send your broker a letter of authorization to transfer (not sell) shares of specific stock(s) to the non-profit's main brokerage account. Your instructions should specify your account number; the date by which you wish to complete the gift, the name and number of shares you would like to donate; and provide the stock transfer information.
  • If you are transferring stock from a joint account, both account owners must sign the letter. You can contribute stock from several companies held within the same account.
  • Please send a copy of this letter to Chief accountant, Vedic Temple, 820 Pollock Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, or email:
  • Please, check with your broker soon after sending the letter to ensure that the transfer is complete, especially if you initiate this gift shortly before December 31.

Year-end Considerations

Because of their complexity, securities gifts are best made by December 15.

Tax Advantages

Donating appreciated securities gives you distinct tax advantages. If you own publicly traded stocks or bonds that have appreciated in value and are long-term in nature (owned for more than 12 months), you may want to consider the income tax benefits of giving securities over cash:

Here's how it works:
Gift of Stock
Gift of Cash
$3,000 (current value) $3,000
1,000 (basis-your cost)  
3,000 (tax deduction) 3,000
1,080 (tax savings @ 36%) 1,080
400 (capital gains tax savings*)  
1,480 (total tax savings) 1,080
1,520 (your gift cost) 1,920

*$2,000 gain @ 20% capital gains tax. When you donate appreciated securities, you owe no capital gains tax on the appreciation.

What about stocks that have dropped in value?

If you own stock which has dropped in value, below your cost, consider selling this asset instead, and donating the proceeds. By selling the asset and then making a gift, you will be able to claim a capital loss deduction on your income tax return, and also claim an income tax deduction for your charitable gift.

Disclaimer: By contributing to the Vedic Temple of Ohio, you acknowledge that the Vedic Temple of Ohio has full control of the donated funds and full discretion to insure that they are used in furtherance of the Vedic Temple's charitable purposes.


Ways to Give

Gifts can be made in a variety of forms including outright gifts of cash, securities, and real estate or through planned giving options such as bequests and life income plans. Our organization is designated as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization by IRS - all gifts are tax-deductible.
  • Make a gift now
  • Make a gift of securities
  • Consider a Planned Gift
  • Consider a major gift
  • In-kind gifts (donations of tangible personal property or equipment)
Regardless of where you direct your support, your gifts of every size make a significant difference. Together, with your continued support, we will create vibrant and peaceful communities, both here and around the globe. It's easy to make a gift…

Make a Gift now:


Give Online

It's easy and secure. Use your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express credit card. Click here to make a contribution.

Give by Phone

Call us at (740) 362-2046.

Give by Mail

Make checks payable to "Vedic Temple of Ohio"

Mail to:
Nithyananda Vedic Temple
820 Pollock Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
Ph: (740) 362-2046

Make a Gift of Securities

Donating appreciated securities is simple. Contact (740) 362-2046 for more information.

Make a Planned Gift


Why A Planned Gift?

Of the many ways of giving to the organization, a planned gift may offer special advantages such as tax benefits or a current income stream. At the same time, your philanthropy is helping to create better futures for our community, our region, and the world beyond.

Together, we are partners in expanding education, sustaining our vedic culture and traditions, energizing the economy, and celebrating our diverse cultural richness and active civic life. The future holds the promise of advances we can only imagine today. We can help you by incorporating your philanthropic goals into your estate and financial planning. At no cost or obligation we can provide you, or your advisor, with information about the organization and a variety of gift-planning options including:

  • Cash and securities donations
  • Gifts that provide a life-time income for you or a beneficiary
  • Gifts of real estate, tangible personal property, or other assets
  • Bequests in a will or trust
  • Gifts of retirement plan assets and life insurance
To explore a Planned Giving option, please email or call us at (740) 362-2046.

In-Kind Gifts

You can also donate gifts of tangible personal property or equipment. Please call and check to make sure the needs of the organization match with what you are intending to gift.

Matching Gifts

Does your company participate in an employee matching gifts program? Some employers even match gifts by retirees. Please contact your HR department to find out about your company's matching gift program.

Disclaimer: By contributing to the Vedic Temple of Ohio, you acknowledge that the Vedic Temple of Ohio has full control of the donated funds and full discretion to insure that they are used in furtherance of the Vedic Temple's charitable purposes.

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Contact Us

The Nithyananda Vedic Temple of Ohio is located in Delaware, Ohio (roughly 30 miles north of Columbus, OH). This temple is a place where existence is celebrated through worship. It serves as the Ohio center and ashram of the mission. The temple an, in which its located was inaugurated in April 2005.

With time-tested Vedic inputs and modern technology, the Ashrams are spiritual laboratories where inner growth is profound and outer growth, incidental. From small beginnings, these ashrams are envisioned to be a place and space to explore and explode, through a host of activities, from meditation to science. They offer a space where material and spiritual worlds merge and create blissful living; where creative intelligence stems from deep Consciousness.

In the pipeline are host of projects to provide services in varied fields to humanity at large. For more details please contact us at the following address or email id.

Our Address:

Nithyananda Vedic Temple
820 Pollock Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
Ph: (740) 362-2046

Need directions? click here, or want to see the map? click here. Please drop us a line or call us if you have any questions.


Shiva Sutras

From the works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Shiva Sutras are techniques given by Shiva Himself to Devi for her enlightenment. In this clip Nithyananda speaks on the need of enlighetened masters to give various techniques to the disciple based on where the disciple is - earth, water, fire, air or ether. For those who are working with the earth element, you have to start with techniques related to earth such as rituals and diety worship. Those who can relate with fire can start with techniques such as homas. In the sublest level, relating with ether is the technique to experience the ultimate. In this Sutra Shiva is trying to work with us through Prana (air energy). Complete discourse titled Integrate and Evolve may be purchased at

Why we miss the Neutral Space The Manual for Enlightenment
The Uncompromising Scripture Neutral Zone De-Mystified

For more videos, please visit LifeBlissFoundation's video site.


Unclutched - The Great Truth

From the works of Living Enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This clip is taken from the discourse titled, "Unclutching -- De-program the inner self" delivered during the third day of the first Nithya Dhyan mass satsang held in Bangalore in December 2007. In this clip Swmaiji gives us the essence of his teachings through the modern day mahavakya (great truth)-- "Be Unclutched". He unravels the truths about makeup of the mind and how we are clutching and creating joy or suffering. He beautifully describes how we create thoughts, how we connect thoughts and experience life. He tells us the first profound truth that there are so many thoughts that are moving in front of us, but our awareness is not always shining on the thoughts flowing in front of us. As such many life changing decisions are made by us without awareness. Every single moment that passes in our life without our being aware causes suffering us either directly or indirectly. Swamiji then goes on to discuss the second profound truth. The complete discourse part of the three day Nithya Dhyaan discourse series may be purchased online at

Vol 1 (56 Minutes) Vol 2 (53 Minutes)

For more videos, please visit LifeBlissFoundation's video site.


Satyanarayana Puja

The Satyanarayana Puja is performed to Lord Satyanarayana who is Lord Vishnu the sustainer of the universe as per Vedic tradition. The puja is said to bestow tremendous prosperity on the person or family who performs the puja.

Satyanarayana Puja is usually done on special occasions as an offering of gratitude to the Lord. These occasions include marriage, graduation, and the purchase of a new home to name a few. The Satyanarayana Puja is also done on the Poornima day of every month (full moon day).

The puja starts witth a prayer to Lord Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles. Another part of the prayer involves prayers to the Navagraha’s, which are the 9 important celestial beings, in the universe. They consist of Surya (the Sun), Chandra (the moon), Angaaraka/Chevaai (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru aka Bruhaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Sani (Saturn), Rahu (the head of Demon snake), and Ketu (the tail of Demon snake).

The rest of the prayer is worship to Lord Satyanarayana, an extremely benevolent form of Lord Vishnu. Again, names of Lord Satyanarayana are chanted along with offering of a variety of prasads (food offerings) and flower petals.

Also in the puja the story of the origin of the puja is read to be heard among all those observing and partaking in the puja. The story also explains the benefits of performing the puja.

The prayer concludes with an Arati and gratitude meditation!

If you wish to have the Sri Satyanarayana Swami Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Maha Lakshmi Puja

Maha Lakshmi puja is performed to Goddess Lakshmi. Goddess Lakshmi is the bestower of wealth, wisdom, fortune, purity and divinity. She is the goddess of whom we ask for happiness in family, friends, marriage, children, food and wealth, beauty and health. Lakshmi puja when performed in a place bestows prosperity and tremendous positive energy and attracts fortune with wisdom.

If you wish to have the Maha Lakshmi Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Ganapathy Puja & Homa

Ganapathy is the supreme expression of super consciousness. He is the lord of beginnings. His very form itself is very powerful. If we understand his form, we will understand the truth presented in his form. His is the most worshipped form. Ganapathy is the only God who is worshipped by all 6 Vedic traditions. A much loved God, he is always remembered as simple, innocent and easily approachable. Of his four hands, he holds angusha (elephant prods typically used to direct or steer elephants) in one hand, pasa (noose) in the other, his own broken tusk in the third hand, and a sweet in the last.

If we understand the ayudhas (symbolic tools) he carries, we will understand the truth.

Lord Ganapathy is the Lord of beginning and he is said to represent the Jñana or wisdom, his consorts Siddhi is Kriya Sakthi or the actions/deeds and Bhuddhi is the Iccha Sakthi or knowledge.

Ganapathy Puja

Ganapathy Puja is performed to the idol of Ganapathy. Ganapathy Puja is done to remove obstacles and protect devotees from any hindrances in their ventures. Ganapathy Puja bestows success, good luck, and spontaneity to handle problems of life, abundance and bliss in life.

Ganapathy Puja can be performed in any of the following days:

  • The Fourth day after New Moon every month [Sukla paksham] - Chathurthi is very important for Sri Ganapathy.
  • The Fourth day after the Full moon day [Krishna paksham] is called Sankatahara Chathurthi day and is auspicious for special Puja for Sri Ganapathy.
  • Sukla Chathurthi day of the month Bhadrapada [Aavani] is celebrated as Sri Ganapathy Chathurthi day, an annual festival of one to ten days, to mark the day of one of the manifestation of Sri Ganapathy.

Sri Ganapathy accepts prayers with offerings of all types of flowers, leaves, grass and all fruits and foods.

Ganapathy Homa

Homa is fire ritual and an intense spiritual practice which becomes powerful meditation technique when performed with devotion. We invoke the cosmic energy and visualize it in the fire. Offerings to the deity are offered through the fire.

With Ganapathy homa not only the individual but the space in which the ritual happens and the people who attend the ritual will all be benefited and blessed. Through this homa when done as a personal spiritual practice, the energy is brought from the nirvanic to the physical layer through all subtle layers and radiate. This homa ritual not only helps in spiritual growth but with the offerings it radiates and heals the space and the others who attend this fire ritual.

If you wish to have the Sri Ganapathy Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Guru Paduka Puja

The presence of an Enlightened Master is pure Cosmic Energy. The Guru Paduka puja is an offering to the sandals of the Guru or Master - symbolically an offering to the feet of the Master.

The space inside our homes is filled with ether - a subtle energy, which has the property of getting contaminated by our negative thought patterns. When we air our repeated negative thought patterns like worries, fear etc. inside our homes, the ether energy gets contaminated and remains inside in this fashion. This is the reason why we feel heavy and frustrated the moment we enter our homes. This is what causes the familiar undesirable atmosphere which grips us the moment we enter our homes.

If the space inside our homes is a pond of water with collected dirt, the presence of the Guru Paduka is like the ocean flooding the pond and washing away the collected dirt. It is like the Cosmic Energy flooding the space, ether energy in our homes and cleansing it, thus creating positive energy vibrations in our homes.

The Guru Paduka puja is a rare opportunity for those who wish to have the direct Energy of an Enlightened Master in their homes. Many people have had spiritual experiences and have felt Swamiji's presence intensely during the puja.

If you wish to have the Guru Paduka Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at: (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Subramanya Puja & Homa

Lord Subramanya is the son of Lord Siva and his consort Goddess Parvathi. Lord Subramanya was born out of six sparks from the third eye of Lord Shiva to destroy demon Soorapadma. Lord Subramanya has 6 faces and he rides a divine peacock. His expression is of supreme intelligence and leadership. Traditionally he is believed to be the commander in chief of the devatas or the angels. He has “Vel” (spear) as his symbolic weapon which is the source of all knowledge dispels ignorance and bestows wisdom!

Subramanya Puja

Subramanya puja is performed to the idol of Subramanya. Apart from performing the Subramanya puja as a cleansing and energizing ritual to bestow immense benefits, Subramanya puja can also be done for any problems related to Mars, especially Mangala dosha or Kuja dosha. Subramanya puja is also done for benefiting people who are having difficulty conceiving and to overcome problems during pregnancy. Subramanya puja blesses with good health and prosperity. Lord Subramanya is the presiding deity of “Swadistana Chakra” which is one of the seven major energy centers in human body. He is the dispeller of all fears. Subramanya Puja can be done to overcome fears of all forms and remove negative vibrations from a space and restore it with intense positive healing vibrations.

Subramanya Homa

Homa is fire ritual and an intense spiritual practice which becomes powerful meditation technique when performed with devotion. We invoke the cosmic energy and visualize it in the fire. Offerings to the deity are offered through the fire.

Lord Subramanya is the son of Lord Siva and his consort Goddess Parvathi. Lord Subramanya was born out of six sparks from the third eye of Lord Shiva to destroy demon Soorapadma. Lord Subramanya has 6 faces and he rides a divine peacock. His expression is of supreme intelligence and leadership. Traditionally he is believed to be the commander in chief of the devatas or the angels. He has “Vel” (spear) as his symbolic weapon. The spear which is the source of all knowledge dispels ignorance and bestows wisdom!

Subramanys Homa is performed by invoking Lord Subramanya in the fire and offering oblations through fire. Apart from performing the homa as a healing and energizing ritual to bestow immense benefits, Subramanya Homa can also be done for any problems related to Mars, especially Mangala dosha or Kuja dosha. Subramanya Homa / Puja is also done for benefiting people who are having difficulty conceiving and to overcome problems during pregnancy. Subramanya Homa blesses with good health and prosperity. Lord Subramanya is the presiding deity of “Swadistana Chakra” which is one of the seven major energy centers in human body. He is the dispeller of all fears. Subramanya Homa can be done to overcome fears of all forms and remove negative vibrations from a space and restore it with intense positive healing vibrations.

Subramanya homa not only heals the individual but the space in which the ritual happens and the people who attend the ritual will all be benefited and blessed. Through this homa when done as a personal spiritual practice, the energy is brought from the nirvanic to the physical layer through all subtle layers and radiates as bliss. This homa ritual not only helps in spiritual growth but with the offerings it radiates and heals the space and the others who attend this fire ritual.

If you wish to have the Subramanya Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Sri Vidya Puja

Sri Vidya puja is not a ritual. It is a deeep meditation. Sri Vidya Puja is the easiest way to connect to the all pervading existential energy.

The Sri Vidya Puja is performed to completely cleanse the space of the house and to heal those present at the physical and mental planes.

The Sri Vidya Puja is performed with the Maha Meru which is a mystical construction representing the Cosmos. It has subtle energies polarized and embedded in it in the form of letters of the alphabet, each of which represents a chant, the attributed deity, the carriage or vehicle on which the deity sits, the herb or tree to which it belongs and the corresponding body part of the human beings which it controls. Therefore the Maha Meru represents the whole Universal Energy and the energy in every animate and inanimate object.

The Maha Meru in turn also represents the human body with 43 major energy centers. Only when all these 43 energies merge into one, a person becomes enlightened. The 43 subtle energy centers are presided by various forms of mother energy. Sri Vidya Puja is to invoke the presence of these 43 forms of mother energy thereby integrating the fragmented energies to achieve the ultimate eternal bliss. All problems in our life are a projection of blockage of one of the 43 energy centers.

SriVidya Puja SriVidya Puja SriVidya Puja

It is capable of removing any cause of disharmony in any part of the human body, environment and family life, if its potency is properly utilized. The Maha Meru transmits the Divine Energy, wherever it is installed properly sanctified. Sanctifying it and deriving its benefit is the purpose of the Sri Vidya puja.

Sri Vidya encompasses comprehensive 9 transforming stages which are named as Avaranaas.The word “Aavarana” in Sanskrit means screen. By transcending the nice screens or the Avaranaas, one attains the immense benefits of the Puja.

  • Trilokya Mohana Chakra – This Aavarana bestows tremendous fame, charisma with intelligence
  • Sarvaashaa Paripooraka Chakra – This Aavarana fulfills all desires!
  • Sarva Samkshobhana Chakra – This Aavarana dispels all fears!
  • Sarva Soubhaagya Daayaka Chakra – This Aavarana bestows all wealth and prosperity
  • Sarvaartha Saadhaka Chakra - This Aavarana helps you accomplish all your goals!
  • Sarva Rakshaakara Chakra – This aavarana offers intelligence for ultimate protection
  • Sarva Rogahara Chakra – This Aavarana heals everything in the space of the puja!
  • SarvaSiddhipradaChakra- This Aavarana bestows tremendous creativity and leadership
  • SarvaAnandamaya Chakra – This Chakra brings intense happiness, peace and prospertity!

If you wish to have the Sri Vidya Puja done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call us at (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya.


Puja Services

Puja Service Rate
Abhishekam for Main Deity $151.00
Abhishekam for Utsava Moorthy $51.00
Anna Prashanam $51.00
Archana $11.00
Archana with Dashobachara Puja $21.00
Bhoomi Puja (Contact Temple for Details)  
Engagement Ceremony $101.00
Grahapravesam (Contact Temple for Details)  
Guru Paduka Puja $51.00
Home Darshan (Contact Temple for Details)  
Nakshatra Shanti $101.00
Mundan Sanskar (Head Shaving Ceremony) $51.00
Namakaran (Naming Ceremony) $51.00
Sahasranama Puja $101.00
Satyanarayana Puja $151.00
Seemantham (Baby Shower) $151.00
Sri Vidya Puja $251.00
Vahana Puja (Vehicle Puja) $31.00
Vidyarambham $51.00
Wedding $501.00

For Puja services outside the Temple, please contact any temple volunteer, or send us an e-mail at

Pujas and Homas at Temple and Homes

On request, deity energized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda from the Vedic Temple will accompany
Shodashobachara Guru Puja/Homa
Sri Anandeshwara (Shiva) Puja/Homa
Sri Vidhya Puja/Homa
Sri Satyanarayana Puja
Grahapravesam (House Warming)/Vaastu Puja
Sri Ganesha Puja/Homa
Sri Subrahmanya Puja/Homa
Sri Mahalakshmi Puja/Homa
Maheshwara Puja (only at Temple)
Dasha Karmas Abhishekams at Temple
Seemantham (Prayer for painless delivery)
Nama karanam (Naming ceremony)
Anna Prashanam (First food for the baby)
Vidhyarambham (First lesson for a child)
Upanayanam (Gayatri Initiation)
Vivaham (Marriage)
Shashti Abdha Purti (60th marriage)
Antima kriya (Departing ceremony)
Shraddham (Offering to the deceased)
Sri Anandeshwara
Sri Anandeshwari (Meenakshi)
Sri Ganesha
Sri Subrahmanya
Sri Maha Lakshmi
Other Offerings at Temple Vedic Astrology
Archana Plate/Energizing malas
Vahana Puja
Special Birthday/Marriage Day/Graduation Archana
Energizing deity
Saree offering
Saree/Clothes offering on special occasions
Basic Chart Generation
Full Reading
Match Making
Business/Financial Consultation
Spiritual Consultation

For unlisted services or rates, please call Vedic Temple at (740) 362-2046 or e-mail us at


Vedic Worship - An Introduction

What is Vedic Worship?

Vedic Worship or rituals are a collection of self transforming meditation techniques designed by Enlightened Masters or scientists of the inner world by masters, to connect with the divine within and to experience intense bliss. Vedic rituals, when performed with full understanding and consciousness, can directly put you in-tune with the universal energy or God. There are many different types of rituals of which Vedic Puja and Vedic Homa are the two major streams of rituals.

Vedic worship is performed on a variety of occasions to show love and gratitude to God/Goddess for prosperity and physical/mental well being. Vedic worship when performed cleanses the space of the house and to heal those present at the physical and mental planes. Worship may be performed by an individual worshipper or in gatherings. It includes combination of mantra (recitation of Vedic mantras), yantra (meditation on mystical representation of subtle energies) and tantra (rituals to worship)

Pujas and Homas offered in Dhyanapeetam, in authentic Vedic tradition, are a true communion with divine. The significance and profound truths behind the rituals are beautifully explained during the worship. In the healing energy field of Enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, experience the worship as deep meditation.

Technology of Vedic Worship

This whole universe and universal energy is symbolically constituted of five elements namely ether, air, water, fire and earth. Even our mind and body is made up of matter. That is the reason you can see that the food can easily affect the way in which you think. We can see that when we have alcohol our way of thinking is completely distorted. This proves that mind is matter as only matter can affect matter. If our mind is affected by liquor shows clearly that it is made of matter. Mind is matter and it is not spirit as we think.

Falling in tune with these five elements can change whatever can be changed. It can change your body, mind and whatever you know as you. Whatever that can be changed is matter and whatever that can’t is consciousness. Consciousness can’t be changed. All that we can do is change what can be changed which is matter. All spiritual practice is to transform matter!

We can relate with existence through any of these five elements.

When we relate with cosmic energy through stone or metal idol, it is called Puja. When we relate with the cosmic energy through water, by taking bath in river or water pond, it is called Thirtha Snana (holy bath). When we relate with cosmic energy through fire, it is called Homa. When cosmic energy is related through air element by repeating some mantra, it is called Mantra Japa. When we fall in-tune with the cosmic energy through ether, it is called Meditation.

According to Taitriya Upanishad:
- from ‘akasha’ or ether came air or ‘vayu’
- from ‘vayu’ came fire or ‘agni’
- from ‘agni’ came water
- from water came the earth and finally everything else.

In this manner the energy is harnessed. It is understood that this cosmic energy exists beyond ether, beyond space, as atman or atma shakti or pure consciousness!
- Through visualization or meditation this energy is brought to ‘akasha shakti’ or ether or space.
- From ether through verbalization or mantras it is brought to the air
- Through fire rituals such as ‘homas’ it is brought to the fire
- From the fire to the ‘kumbha’ or water
- And finally this energy is installed in the ‘bimba’ or the idol or moorthi or vigraha.

When the ‘prana pratishta’ or energy is installed in the idol, it is no longer an idol; it becomes a deity or ‘archavatara’ with different incarnations of God. The Upanishads beautifully explain how the ‘brahmanda’ expresses itself in form of ‘pindanda’ through the idols. This cosmic energy radiates itself, making it available to us through these idols, statues or vigrahas. One can derive enormous benefits by understanding this science.

What is Puja?

Puja is the technique by which we relate to the cosmic energy through earth element. Puja is a collection of powerful techniques performed with “energized idols” or “vigrahas”. Puja involves intense cleansing techniques which heals the aspirant in physical, psychological and spiritual planes.

What is Homa?

Homa is a fire ritual in Vedic tradition by which one can relate to the existential energy through fire element. Homa can be used as a personal spiritual practice for self-transformation and realization or can be used as the most effective techniques for expressing collective consciousness which can bring intense healing and peace energy to the society.

Vedic Worship as a personal Spiritual Practice!

The science behind realization of prayers can be explained with an example - anything kept in front of a projector light, will be seen in the screen. If you keep a slide of a temple scene you will see the temple. If you keep a slide of an actor or actress you will see their age. In same manner, any thought kept in front of concentrated energy, will become a reality.

In the space where any Vedic Worship happens there is intense energy flow which happens. Intense potential energies created by continuous repetition of mantras which charges the whole space and keeps it alive. When you are present in front of this space and create a thought or wish, your whole body and mind will be tuned to that thought and so naturally it will become a reality in your life. During a Vedic worship, two things will happen, you will have "shakti" or energy to make your dreams into reality, next you will have "buddhi" or intelligence to realize that what you see or think as reality itself is a dream. Enlightened masters designed these Worships which could intensely heal, inspire and give the humanity an experience of spirituality.

As a personal worship, Vedic worship can be performed for self-transformation on a regular basis which can bestow peace, bliss and fortune for an individual. Vedic worship is one of the effective ways to express gratitude and celebrate major events like birthday, anniversary, marriage etc.

Perform Vedic worship and infuse auspiciousness and fortune to your personal life!

Vedic Worship and Collective Consciousness!

Vedic Worship is based on the truth that the whole Universe is constituted of thoughts and energy vibrations. It is alive and bubbling with our thoughts and emotions. Modern scientists have agrees on the same starting from Einstein who says there is no such thing as matter and energy separately with boundaries between the two and that the whole Universe is energy. The last statement of science and quantum physics saying that everything is energy is the first statement of the first Veda of the first Upanishad. "Isha vashyam idam sarvam" meaning, whatever exists is energy.

There had been numerous groundbreaking exploration of the science of thoughts and its benefits on an individual and his world around him. Several experiments demonstrate that a thought is what that affects things around an individual. Both inner and outer world scientists all over the world have time and again proven and still proving that thought when intensely harnessed in the inner world produces tremendous noticeable differences in the outer world. The intensity again manifolds itself when performed as a group. Thought generates intelligence that can improve your life, to help others around you, and to change the world.

When it comes to matter, when you divide, matter reduces in quantity. For example, an apple if it has to be shared by four people has to be cut into four pieces.

But, when it comes to energy, anything shared only multiplies. For example, if we have 10 volts of electricity in a wire, one person touching the wire will feel 10 volts and four people touching the same wire will also feel 10 volts.

In the same way, the powerful energy of Pujas and Homas when done by a group of people gets shared in total by the entire group. Imagine 10 ‘volts’ of energy generated by one person and 100 people all sitting together in a group worship. 10x100=1000 volts!

Vedic worship is the most effective when performed as a group. With the collective consciousness expressed in the intense vibration of the energy field of the worship space, miracles can happen! Peace, harmony and celebrations would naturally manifold and become abundant in the society around us preventing us from threats of crime and natural calamities. Vedic worship is the best way to keep the society in absolute balance and harmony!

If you want a Puja or a Homa done on your behalf, either at our temple or in your home, please call (740) 362-2046 and ask for our Pujacharya Sri Nithya Sambavan. You can also email to


Vedic Temples

Why do we need Temples? Were temples relevant only for older cultures and were they ignorant and less sophisticated than the modern scientific cultures or is it the other way around? What were our ancestors thinking and were they more intelligent and in tune with subtler energies than the modern culture? Are Temples relevant now?

From time immemorial, not only Hindus or Rishi cultures, but cultures from all over the world in all traditions have been creating space for the Divine as part of their culture and lives. Researchers say that even animals living in groups allot a specific area for rest which is not used for eating or anything else. Hindu culture created huge temples for communities as a means for relating with the Divine. Every village in India has a temple making one wonder why these huge structures were created, even if the homes in most villages were made of mud. Most of these temples are constructed in granite and are sometimes more expensive than the cost of all houses in these villages. What did we gain spiritually, culturally and socially from these huge structures?

Scientific studies were conducted by a scientist Dr. Rudolf who stayed in the Amazon along with a group of tribes for 30 years to research the tribes" lifestyle. These tribes believed that by creating an image of a particular person and by invoking that person"s energy into the clay image they could heal or transmit any disease of that person, even if the person lived thousands of miles away. This scientist published papers and a book named "Hidden Mysteries" and produced ample proof, evidence and case studies in which he reported that in 98% of observations three things were evident. First conclusion was that they were truly able to heal people of any disease, secondly, they were able to heal even animals & trees "by making clay models of those trees and by making vibrations or sounds they could bring the dead tree to life and thirdly, they were even able to handle energies of dead human beings or talk and relate to them continuously. In most cases they could bring a dead person to life within three days.
If this tribe related to ordinary persons through a clay image why is it mysterious or strange to relate with the Divine energy that envelopes us and has created the whole Universe. This is where our ancestors succeeded in giant leaps. It is a common mistake to think that Hindus worship idols. In Hinduism, there is no idol worship, but only worship through idols. There is a big difference between idol worship and worshipping through an idol. When idols are created out of stone, clay, marble or any other material you would not find one saying "Ok stone give me a boon" or "Ok marble heal me", instead you would find them saying "Oh Shiva, heal me, bless me" or "Oh Devi, bless me".

Ignorance sets in with great speed when there is a rush to imitate what seems like another glamorous culture or so called scientific cultures and more so when there is no clear knowledge or patience in understanding of the original cultural practice. Some of the western scholars translated Vedas " just to prove there is nothing worthy in it. Max Mueller translated the Vedas and in one of his letters to his mom, he mentions with deep disrespect, that he did this just to prove there is nothing worthy in it. Many Eastern scholars have also picked up the same trend, same thinking style and started condemning the Hindu worship, culture and the way of life, and started giving more importance to Advaitic philosophy without understanding that it not just one philosophy, but the whole Vedanta itself is a clear and practical essence or juice of the fascinating facts of spiritual science discovered and recorded by the rishis, saints and mystics.


A scientist is a person who creates a formula to recreate the same experience he has in the outer world. He is able to reproduce this experience of the outer world in others. The one who is able to reproduce an experience which happens in the inner world is a mystic. These temples, rituals, pujas, homas, etc are formulas created by our Rishis to reproduce those inner world experiences in other beings. Misunderstandings, not understanding or not practicing these formulas due to lack of patience, guidance and knowledge does not make it untrue. Before understanding any of these formulas it is interesting to note a recent research conducted by a Japanese scientist who has published a book named ‘Messages from water’, also widely popular due to the movie ‘What the bleep do we know..’.  He conducted more than 300 experiments where he has proved that water can hold, radiate and respond to our thoughts further proving how thoughts directly affect us human beings who are composed of 71% water.

Rishis not only proved that water could carry thoughts and vibrations, but the whole Universe is constituted of thoughts and energy vibrations. It is alive and bubbling with our thoughts and emotions. Even Einstein says there is no such thing as matter and energy separately with boundaries between the two and that the whole Universe is energy. The last statement of science and quantum physics saying that everything is energy, is the first statement of the first Veda of the first Upanishad. “Isha vashyam idam sarvam” meaning, whatever exists is energy.

Our seers have created so many methods and techniques to hold and radiate cosmic energy so that humanity can be helped by this positive energy. This whole universe and universal energy is symbolically constituted of five elements namely ether, air, water, fire and earth. They have tired to install the energy first in the earth element in stone idols or ‘moorthis’; secondly in water or ‘tirthas’ (every temple has a tank or river); thirdly in fire or ‘agni’ in the form of at least one lamp which is never put off; fourthly in air which is filled with vibrations of mantras so that the very air vibrates with energy and finally in ether or space. These temple architectures are created in a dome structure to hold energy like a battery. If a bolt of lightning could be stored in a battery, we could supply electricity for more than one year for any big city. These temples are created to hold enormous energy, so that when enlightened masters come, they would install their energy in these structures. Our masters have designed beautiful batteries in the form of temples that can hold this energy and radiate it to help millions of people for thousands of years.  It is because of the concentrated energy in the central dome structure or ‘garbha mandir’ that our prayers become a reality.

The science behind realization of prayers can be explained with an example – anything kept in front of a projector light, will be seen in the screen. If you keep a slide of a temple scene you will see the temple. If you keep a slide of an actor or actress you will see their image. In same manner, any thought kept in front of concentrated energy, will become a reality. The garbha mandirs of temples hold high, intense potential energies created by enlightened masters and maintained by regular pujas and mantras. Continuous repetition of mantras charges the whole space and keeps it alive. When you stand in front of this energized moorthy or space and create a thought or wish, your whole body and mind will be tuned to that thought and so naturally it will become a reality in your life. In the temples in the energized space, two things will happen, you will have shakti or energy to make your dreams into reality, next you will have buddhi or intelligence to realize that what you see or think as reality itself is a dream. Enlightened masters designed these temples because they wanted some space which could continuously heal, inspire and give the humanity an experience of spirituality.

The energizing process of these temples itself is one of the most fascinating aspect of our spiritual sciences. According to Taitriya Upanishad:
  • from ‘akasha’ or ether came air or ‘vayu’
  • from ‘vayu’ came fire or ‘agni’
  • from ‘agni’ came water
  • from water came the earth and finally everything else.
In this manner the energy is harnessed. It is understood that this cosmic energy exists beyond ether, beyond space, as atman or atma shakti.
  • from ‘akasha’ or ether came air or ‘vayu’
  • from ‘vayu’ came fire or ‘agni’
  • from ‘agni’ came water
  • from water came the earth and finally everything else.
  • Through visualization or meditation this energy is brought to ‘akasha shakti’ or ether or space.
  • From ether through verbalization or mantras it is brought to the air
  • Through fire rituals such as ‘homas’ it is brought to the fire
  • From the fire to the ‘kumbha’ or water
  • And finally this energy is installed in the ‘bimba’or the idol or moorthi or vigraha inside the ‘garbha mandir’
When the ‘prana pratishta’ or energy is installed in the idol, it is no longer an idol, it becomes a deity or ‘archavatara’ with different incarnations of God. The Upanishads beautifully explain how the ‘brahmanda’ expresses itself in form of ‘pindanda’ through the idols. This cosmic energy radiates itself, making itself available to us through these idols, statues or vigrahas. One can derive enormous benefits by understanding this science.
Idols are the windows through which you can see and relate with the vast sky or ‘brahmanda’. For example, if someone with a cell-phone stated to an entire culture which had no idea about phones, that he could speak to people on the other side of the world with a tiny device or instrument they would not believe it. If he were to prove that he is able to talk, then he would become a great saint and worshipped and respected. This is exactly what happened with saints and eastern cultures also. Temples are cell phones, in those days everyone was able to relate to the Brahmanda through these structures. But in modern times with the cultural invasion, ignorance has led to strong disbeliefs and misuse of such powerful resources to the wonders of the Universal energy. Now only a few are able to operate these cell phones and the younger generation is not able to believe that these cell phones actually work. Secondly if at all you saw some proof of a person using it, then you would make him a saint and call him a great saint and enlightened person. These cell phones work and it is very easy. It is for common man and common public - for all of us.

Just because we lost a few keys, we can’t say that this lock will never open. Just because we lost a few techniques we can’t say our ancestors are fools for building these huge structures. These ancestors were highly intelligent beings who designed, developed and created these temples for the benefit of humanity. We seem to have lost the technique or methods to use them for our day to day life which should not mean that our original system itself is useless. It is much more important than any other comforts to rejuvenate your self. Temples have played a major role in keeping the social structure alive. Hindus are alive as a community or country just because of these temples and it is these temples which kept our whole culture alive even through the endless invasions. There is no culture or civilization that did not invade India and there is no culture or civilization that was invaded by India. It has survived with its roots with more than 10,000 years of recorded history. In modern day, societies and civilizations that are just a few 100 years old are shaking with younger generations questioning and rebelling and are laden with confusion and depression.

These temples were broken and destroyed repeatedly but they continued to come up and stand in a much more beautiful way every time. For example, the Vishwanath temple was destroyed more than fourteen times and Somanath temple was destroyed more than seventy times. All major temples of India were destroyed at least ten times, but they stand up again and again, because they are more -than physical structures - they are like satellite relay centers where the high intense spiritual energy is created. These spiritual vibrations are created and sent all over the world to help human beings to heal them physically, mentally, emotionally and above all spiritually. It is we who are supposed to understand the science behind and take the responsibility to learn how to tune ourselves and relate with this higher energy to derive the benefit from this higher energy. It is we who are supposed to discover the keys to unlock this lock and experience the inner treasures and it is we who should know the contact number to activate this cell phone.

Meditation is the key to unlock this door and experience the inner treasure. Meditation is the number through which you can activate and relate with this higher energy. Meditation is the master key to relate to higher energy which is also available to us in the form of moorthies or deities to see and experience the Brahmanda or the cosmic energy to have all the physical, mental and emotional benefits. Practical techniques have been handed over passionately by the intelligent seers to tune ourselves into this cosmic energy. It is our responsibility to see how religion is relevant to spirituality. Day to day practice of religion can be made into spirituality. When done with awareness any ritual can become a meditation technique and without awareness any meditation can become a ritual. There are beautiful ways how we could make spirituality into religion and how we should make religion into spirituality.


Virtual Tour

To get directions to the temple, please click here »


Temple Hours

Day of the Week Morning Hours Evening Hours
Monday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Tuesday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Friday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday ** 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM ** 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM **
Sunday ***9:00 AM to 10:00 PM***

The above timings may change on special occasions where the temple will be open for longer hours. If you have any additional questions about the timings or need help, please call Temple at (740) 362-2046 or e-mail us at


Nithyananda Vedic Temple

Founded by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Nithyananda Vedic Temple is not only a worship altar but also an educating organization providing inspiration to millions of people worldwide.

Over the centuries, the rich Vedic culture and tradition which continues to be a source of inspiration even now in the heart of India, has started fading away. The mission and vision of this organization is to revive this ancient Vedic tradition in all its dimensions and bring back to life the yogic science and methods that continues to be the backbone of our society today.

Temples celebrate Vedic traditions and add a festive dimension to living. Temples act as institutions where a person can come in direct contact with the intense cosmic energy and merge with it through rituals and meditations. The Nithyananda Vedic Temple acts as the sacred space where one can naturally fall into meditation, drink the nectar of peace and bliss and reconnect with ones own divine self.


About Us

Nithyananda Vedic Temple, Ohio was consecrated by Enlightened Master, Paramhamsa Nithyananda on April 14, 2007. The Ohio temple enjoys the status of being the FIRST Vedic Temple in the northern hemisphere, to be closely followed by a chain of others.

Lord Anandeshwara and Devi Anandeshwari adorn the main sanctum seated in a rare posture of the Lord bestowing the Shiva Sutras to Devi. The deities are carved in black granite by skilled craftsmen of Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu, South India. This is the largest Shiva statue in North America weighing in excess of 2 tons. The finer facial details and crown have been personally carved by the Master himself thus etching a special grace to them.

The temple is located on the banks of scenic Olentangy State river. A side stream feeds into the river and the area and the junction has been declared as Paschim Prayag by Swamiji. He has declared that in years to come this will become a pilgrimage spot.

The mission of the temple is to reinstate the rich Vedic heritage which existed thousands of years ago. In order to accomplish this free meditation to awaken and transform the individual being is provided by the Acharyas of the foundation. Nithya Yoga, a form of yoga as envisioned by Patanjali, the Father of yoga is taught by trained Yogacharyas.

Anna Mandir prepares and serves sattvic food daily to all devotees visiting the temple. An extensive library of books and many audio cds and dvds are available on site to satisfy the intellectual yearning of the devotees. From time to time various social gatherings are organised to serve the community at large.

Vedic rituals and pujas are conducted at the temple premises and individuals homes by trained Puja Acharyas. Major festivals are celebrated amidst great joy and enthusiasm inviting and involving all in the community. As per Vedic tradition, everyone is considered an embodiment of the divine and welcomed at the temple irrespective of caste, color or creed.

For more information, please contact the Temple at (740) 362-2046 or by email at


The Journey - Childhood

Nithyananda was born on January 1st, 1978, as Rajasekaran, the second child of Arunachalam and Lokanayaki in Thiruvannamalai, home to Arunachala, the spiritual heart center of our planet. On the tenth day after his birth, an astrologer was summoned to cast his horoscope and awed by the unique configuration of planets in Nithyananda’s birthchart exclaimed that Nithyananda would grow up to be a Raja Sannyasi (King among Swamis).

Early Years

True to the astrologer's words, Rajasekaran showed spiritual inclinations from a tender age. He would make idols out of mud, clay and soap stone, decorate them and worship them with a deep fervor. This aspect of Nithyananda’s personality would remain unchanged; the miniature stone figures have been superceded by the spectacular and towering deity idols that grace the temples of the mission in North America and other countries today.

In childhood as well as throughout his wandering years, Nithyananda was deeply inspired by two great saints of Bharat, Sri Ramakrishna and Ramana Maharshi. A photograph of Ramakrishna was the focus of Nithyananda’s worship practices, and he was blessed to have had direct darshan, or superconscious experience of Ramakrishna in the flesh. His spiritual teachers in Thiruvannamalai awakened Nithyananda’s enormous latent spiritual potential.


Raghupati Yogi

Raghupati Yogi instructed young Nithyananda in Yoga methods and processes that would strengthen His body and mind, in preparation for the Herculean tasks of today. Raghupati Yogi would emphasize to Nithyananda that the optimal period, during which one can truly imbibe the truths of Yoga so that they become a solid experience, is before the age of 14; accordingly, he trained Nithyananda starting from age 3 for a period of 10 full years. Raghupati Yogi taught Nithyananda asanas, pranayama, dhyana, and also other esoteric Yogic methods, including how to resist hunger and thirst, which would prove to be invaluable during the intense parivrajaka years, or years of wandering as a renunciant. Above all, Raghupati Yogi truly helped prepare Nithyananda’s body to receive, hold, and express the high energy of enlightenment.

Mataji Kuppammal

Another key teacher was Mataji Kuppammal, who was a spiritual adept who had mastered the mystical science of Kundalini tantra by the age of 12. She became a great inspiration and a compassionate guide to young Nithyananda. When Nithyananda was around seven and was at the altar of Goddess Parvati inside the Arunachaleshwara temple one day, he suddenly had a vision of a golden colored geometric figure, which he then immediately carved from memory onto a copper sheet with a nail. Kuppammal explained to him that what he had drawn was the very powerful Sri Chakra, a complex and metaphorical representation of the universal energy. Kuppammal then initiated Nithyananda into the science of tantra, which uses the Sri Chakra as a base for meditation practices.

Kuppammal led Nithyananda from bhakti (devotion) into jnana (wisdom) and dhyana (meditation), with the help of her own Master, Isakki Swamigal, who also contributed to Nithyananda’s growing realization. Kuppammal gave Nithyananda many books and predicted that he would keep these books till he himself started providing commentaries on them based on his wisdom.

Arunagiri Yogishwar

The very first awareness of His own inner nature, His very first brush with His incarnated being, and the first revelation of His life’s mission, happened to Nithyananda when he met with Arunagiri Yogiswara, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Siva Himself, at age nine. Nithyananda took to sitting in front of the jiva samadhi of Arunagiri Yogiswara, at the Arunachaleshwara temple, and that is where their meeting first happened.

Arunagiri Yogiswara was the first being who helped Nithyananda develop a conscious experience of Himself. On one occasion, Arunagiri Yogishwar mystically transported Nithyananda to a sacred Banyan tree under which He taught His disciples as a young Dakshinamurthi, and gave Nithyananda a saffron robe, which is now at the ashram in Bangalore - living proof that what happened then was not a dream!

In their final encounter, Arunagiri Yogiswara said to Nithyananda, ‘Dear one, you and I are one. We can never get separated. But the play is over. You will not miss me any longer. You will not be separated. We are one.’ Saying this, the form of Arunagiri Yogiswara merged into Nithyananda and disappeared from his view. From that moment, Nithyananda did not feel the separation from Arunagiri Yogiswara at all. A deep fulfillment descended on him; a state of bliss. Nithyananda says, ‘it was probably my first moment of realization of who I really was. It was my first spiritual experience, my first moment of enlightenment.’

It was only later that Nithyananda realized that the person he played with, he related so closely with, this Arunagiri Yogiswara was none other than Arunachala, Siva Himself.

Annamalai Swamigal

Around the age of 10, Nithyananda started going to the Ramana Ashram in Tiruvannamalai, where one day He met Annamalai Swamigal, an enlightened disciple of Ramana Maharishi. Annamalai Swamigal was a master of the advaita philosophy of non-duality. A lasting impression was created in the mind of Young Nithyananda through Annamalai Swamigal’s teachings, which remained a source of strength and inspiration in years to come. Hs experience with Annamalai Swamigal helped Nithyananda to go beyond the illusion of thoughts directly into the source of thoughts.

Nithyananda practiced the technique that Annamalai Swamigal had taught him faithfully, and around age twelve, when he was sitting on a rock on Arunachala hill in meditation, the first experience of Cosmic Consciousness, or satori, happened. In the midst of his meditation, Nithyananda felt something opening up within him. It was like a vessel inside getting broken and a door opening simultaneously, an experience of creation and destruction at the same time. It was an experience of utter bliss, serene calmness and connectedness with the Universe.  Even with his eyes closed, Nithyananda could see in a panoramic vision encompassing all 360 degrees around him.

Later Years

Nithyananda would often meditate all night long in the cremation grounds of Tiruvannamalai, absorbed in the vibrant silence of Arunachala, and at the break of dawn, he would return home. During his teenage years, after a profound cognitive shift in his understanding through an encounter with a Siddha in Thiruvannamalai, the urge which he had since childhood, to leave home as a sannyasi, reached its peak. After completing his diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Gudiyattam, Nithyananda made the final resolve to set out on his spiritual journey as a wandering ascetic. He embarked on what was to be an arduous journey, stretching thousands of miles covered mostly by foot, over a period of 6 years, traversing the land of Bharat. From Tapovan in the Himalayas to Kanyakumari in the South, from Dwaraka in the West to Ganga Sagar in the East, Nithyananda wandered for several years in India and in Nepal, practicing intense austerities and studying with many sadhus.

Amongst Nithyananda’s numerous soul-stirring experiences was this one, in the Himalayas:
One day in Gaurikund, high in the Himalayas, he saw a lovely vision, of a young man with a glowing countenance and flowing locks, walking towards him with long strides and captivating grace. He realized, only after physically verifying the solidity of the radiant and divine being facing him, it was Mahaavatar Babaji, the Enlightened Master who has dwelled in the Himalayas for thousands of years in perpetual youth. At the moment of passing by him, Babaji looked into his eyes and pronounced, 'Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda!’ – signifying the state he would soon come to achieve.

Nithyananda's single-minded pursuit of the Divine truth led to deeper and more profound experiences over the years. Finally, when He was 22 years old and staying on the banks of the river Narmada, the final explosion happened, into the experience of Superconsciousness, where space and time, body and mind, the seer and the seen - all dissolved into the state of Eternal Bliss, or Nithya Ananda.

After Enlightenment

After the explosion of superconsciousness, Nithyananda stayed in Erode, on the banks of the river Kaveri in Tamil Nadu for a few months, healing people and teaching meditation. Guided by Divine Vision, Nithyananda soon left Erode and came to the outskirts of Bangalore, where He found the place of His ashram, home to a 600-year old sacred and mystical banyan tree as revealed in His Vision.

The Mission

In the Master’s own words, "Enlightenment flowers when individual consciousness disappears into Universal Consciousness. It is the no-mind experience, and out of it Ecstasy and Energy are born. This Energy is what I harness, to help humanity to blossom in all dimensions of life, and to attain and radiate Eternal Bliss - Nithyananda".

Bliss is a state of heightened awareness of the reasons for our fear, joy, sorrow or love. It is a state of being in tune with the Cosmos, the ideal state to be. 'Be Blissful!' are the words the Master utters to constantly remind us of our true nature. With a pragmatic yet compassionate approach to life, and an enlightened insight into the core of human nature, through lucid explanation of practical issues and practical meditation techniques, He helps individuals to blossom in every sphere of life, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

Nithyananda's healing touch has given relief to millions of people suffering from a spectrum of illnesses, both physical and psychological. His method of healing – Nithya Spiritual Healing, has its roots in meditation and harnesses the Divine Energy to allow it to flow to the recipient of the healing. Nithyananda not only heals, but also initiates those who desire to be an instrument of the Divine energy, to become healers. Today, thousands of Nithya Spiritual Healers and healing centers carry out this service to humanity at large and touch tens of thousands of people each day.

Nithyananda has developed a diverse range of meditation programs devised for the modern minds of our generation. The remarkable techniques and processes that comprise the meditation programs help the flowering and explosion of individual consciousness, and are offered by ordained teachers, or acharyas, trained personally by Him. Advanced level programs are conducted by Nithyananda Himself, and are a rare and unprecedented opportunity to be in the presence of the Master, and to experience the deep stillness, silence and ecstasy of our inner being.

Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is a movement for meditation and establishing a Vedic renaissance on our planet. The foundation works towards the transformation of humanity through transformation of the individual. In keeping with His breathtaking vision of a complete Vedic renaissance, Nithyananda is simultaneously spearheading movements for the re-establishment of all aspects of Vedic sciences, arts, culture and lifestyle, through the founding of a Meditation and Yoga University, temples of traditional Sanatana Dharma worship practices, and ashrams and spiritual communities worldwide to create an environment where one can experience and express Bliss on all levels of life. In addition to these core services, allied therapy and social services are now offered through thousands of acharyas and volunteers who work tirelessly to support the mission worldwide.


Nithya Yoga Session for In-mates at the Ohio Prison

Life Bliss Foundation has served over 30 women twice a week since September 2008 at the Ohio Womens Reformatory, the largest Women prison in Ohio. This prison houses 2500 inmates, with a population increasing due to increased drug convictions, reduced probation options and longer sentencing. Two of the biggest coping factors in prison life are boredom and stress due to overcrowding. The 40 inmates invited to attend twice weekly Nithya Yoga Sessions are serving life sentences. Many of the women in the Nithya Yoga Sessions have also attended one or more yoga classes offered in the prison. However, after 10 weeks of doing Nithya Yoga, which includes the meditation technique called Life Bliss Meditation, women were reporting medical, mental/emotional, and spiritual changes in their lives. Some of the reports included lower cholesterol, lower BP, less heart palpatations, more positive outlook, ability to focus and stay focused, having a feeling of value to society, and the increased inner knowledge that they are not 'bad" people. These results are by-products in a group of women increasingly being able to maintain a yogic, blissful state in spite of their outward conditions. Through a dynamic meditation technique designed to clear negative energy patterns, intention and visualization, Nithya Yoga can offer rapid transformation of any individual. These women chose intentions of Wholeness, Fulfillment and Peace and with every inhale and exhale throughout the 90 minute session, they are focused on healing themselves and the planet. For more information visit or Below are some of the photos during the session!

Click on image below to see larger size.

NithyaYoga NithyaYoga NithyaYoga NithyaYoga
NithyaYoga NithyaYoga NithyaYoga NithyaYoga