Saturday, January 31, 2009


Nithyananda Vedic Temple

Founded by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the Nithyananda Vedic Temple is not only a worship altar but also an educating organization providing inspiration to millions of people worldwide.

Over the centuries, the rich Vedic culture and tradition which continues to be a source of inspiration even now in the heart of India, has started fading away. The mission and vision of this organization is to revive this ancient Vedic tradition in all its dimensions and bring back to life the yogic science and methods that continues to be the backbone of our society today.

Temples celebrate Vedic traditions and add a festive dimension to living. Temples act as institutions where a person can come in direct contact with the intense cosmic energy and merge with it through rituals and meditations. The Nithyananda Vedic Temple acts as the sacred space where one can naturally fall into meditation, drink the nectar of peace and bliss and reconnect with ones own divine self.

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