Saturday, January 31, 2009


Puja Services

Puja Service Rate
Abhishekam for Main Deity $151.00
Abhishekam for Utsava Moorthy $51.00
Anna Prashanam $51.00
Archana $11.00
Archana with Dashobachara Puja $21.00
Bhoomi Puja (Contact Temple for Details)  
Engagement Ceremony $101.00
Grahapravesam (Contact Temple for Details)  
Guru Paduka Puja $51.00
Home Darshan (Contact Temple for Details)  
Nakshatra Shanti $101.00
Mundan Sanskar (Head Shaving Ceremony) $51.00
Namakaran (Naming Ceremony) $51.00
Sahasranama Puja $101.00
Satyanarayana Puja $151.00
Seemantham (Baby Shower) $151.00
Sri Vidya Puja $251.00
Vahana Puja (Vehicle Puja) $31.00
Vidyarambham $51.00
Wedding $501.00

For Puja services outside the Temple, please contact any temple volunteer, or send us an e-mail at

Pujas and Homas at Temple and Homes

On request, deity energized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda from the Vedic Temple will accompany
Shodashobachara Guru Puja/Homa
Sri Anandeshwara (Shiva) Puja/Homa
Sri Vidhya Puja/Homa
Sri Satyanarayana Puja
Grahapravesam (House Warming)/Vaastu Puja
Sri Ganesha Puja/Homa
Sri Subrahmanya Puja/Homa
Sri Mahalakshmi Puja/Homa
Maheshwara Puja (only at Temple)
Dasha Karmas Abhishekams at Temple
Seemantham (Prayer for painless delivery)
Nama karanam (Naming ceremony)
Anna Prashanam (First food for the baby)
Vidhyarambham (First lesson for a child)
Upanayanam (Gayatri Initiation)
Vivaham (Marriage)
Shashti Abdha Purti (60th marriage)
Antima kriya (Departing ceremony)
Shraddham (Offering to the deceased)
Sri Anandeshwara
Sri Anandeshwari (Meenakshi)
Sri Ganesha
Sri Subrahmanya
Sri Maha Lakshmi
Other Offerings at Temple Vedic Astrology
Archana Plate/Energizing malas
Vahana Puja
Special Birthday/Marriage Day/Graduation Archana
Energizing deity
Saree offering
Saree/Clothes offering on special occasions
Basic Chart Generation
Full Reading
Match Making
Business/Financial Consultation
Spiritual Consultation

For unlisted services or rates, please call Vedic Temple at (740) 362-2046 or e-mail us at

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